Since flexible bags are well known by most people, consumers have higher expectations for their coffee bags. Although coffee is a product that people will continue to buy, the quality of the coffee itself will decline as time goes by when it is placed on the shelf. The roaster must seal the coffee well to store it effectively.
As we all know, coffee is a compound, which contains more than 1000 ingredients. In order to allow customers to enjoy the multi-level aroma of coffee for a longer time, you must add a resealable option to the flexible packaging. According to the survey, consumers are more inclined to purchase packages that can be sealed repeatedly for their repeated use. Almost all customers will give up buying coffee because of the lack of convenience.
Tin ties and various zipper options can provide effective packaging for coffee, so what are their respective advantages? Which type of sealing option is more suitable for your brand?
Please read on and look for sealing options that can provide your customers with fresher coffee.

The resealable option is inevitable
Most consumers will not prepare the equipment for storing coffee in advance, they just want to take advantage of the ready-made convenience. Coffee makers should listen to consumers’ needs, but not just for your customers. Adding repeatable sealing options can reduce waste in the supply chain. This is also maintaining your sustainability goals. Using zippers or tin ties is a cheap and effective way.
In terms of the sense of use, you can prevent the coffee beans from being exposed to the air. At the same time, it is convenient for users to carry and reduces the risk of spilling.

Matters about tin ties
The tin tie is a traditional way of sealing, but it is still popular with many people. After sealing the top of the coffee bag, stick a plastic or paper strip containing laminated iron wire under it. Consumers only need to cut off the heat seal and open the coffee bag. This means that the top of the bag can be fully opened, which makes it easier to access and instill coffee. To reseal, simply roll the tin tie down with the bag and fold its edges on each side of the bag. Before folding, consumers should try to squeeze the air out of the bag, so that the tin tie can provide the highest air tightness.
Is this sealing adopted? You don’t need to consider the size of the bag, because the cost of making tin ties is relatively low, which is an affordable option for enterprises and coffee roasters with low budgets. And you can manually install tin collars on coffee bags. Many large bread makers are getting rid of plastic labels and using tin belts. This is an effective way to attract more and more environmentally conscious customers.
For high-volume coffee or coffee that needs to be stored for a long time, tin ties cannot provide 100% air tightness. If your consumer group consumes coffee more frequently or needs small volume of coffee in a short time, the tin tie can provide enough tightness. In addition, adding an exhaust valve to the package is also a secret to prolonging the freshness of the coffee.
Finally, depending on the materials used in the manufacturing process, tin ties may be a recycling challenge. Because they are made of galvanized or stainless steel cores with polyethylene, plastic, or paper covers. But the tin tie without pollution can be removed from the package and reused after treatment.

About zippers
Although zippers have existed for many years and have been used in various industries, consumers still rely on zippers because they can frequently open and close coffee bags. And the operation is very simple.
In order to enhance the air tightness, we will carry out heat sealing treatment again on the top of the zipper design, which forms secondary protection. This means that the coffee beans are in a state of strength protection before the customer opens the bag. When taking coffee, tear the tear first to reach the inner zipper, which also reduces the risk of a zipper being opened.

Hook and loop zipper
This type of zipper uses the principle of particles rubbing against each other to provide a fast and simple way to get your coffee. When consumers visit their coffee, they just need to pull the bag on both sides. The hook and loop zipper has no conventional track, and there are many tiny particles on the sealing strip, which are bonded together by friction.
When closing, just pinch it casually. Even if coffee chips are attached to the zipper, it doesn’t matter. It can still form a good closed environment.

Pocket zipper
A pocket zipper is also called a pull loop zipper, which means that you can’t see the zipper from the outside. You need to pull the plastic strip covered on it. This zipper uses a conventional track design. After opening the bag, consumers need to make sure that a whole track has been closed.
Because the zipper is hidden in the bag, the probability of opening or tampering with the package can be reduced when large quantities of coffee are transported or long-distance transportation is required.
Unlike the hook and loop zipper, before closing the track, you need to ensure that there is no residual coffee debris in the track, otherwise, the sealing effect will be affected.
However, all types of zippers are not 100% sealed after the heat seal is cut off. But people still like zippers because it allows them to open and close the package many times.

Recycling requirements for resealability.
Due to the different materials of the sealing device and the bag, they cannot be simply thrown away together during recycling.
Therefore, coffee merchants need to guide consumers to separate zippers and tin ties from bags. Or you can ask consumers to return the used coffee bags as is, and then you can send them to the appropriate recycling point.
Recycling of zippers
Sometimes you don’t have to work so hard to separate bags and accessories. Xiaoyupack can use CPP or PE materials to make your zipper options, that is, the materials of zippers and bags are the same. In this way, consumers do not need to remove the zipper when handling coffee bags.
How about letting your customers choose your brand on crowded shelves? Then the correct sealing function is essential. Consumers will choose everything that makes their lives convenient. And all zipper types can be integrated into any material or coffee package of any size.
At xiaoyupack, we can help you determine the best resealing options for coffee bags, and all these resealable functions can be integrated into our recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable coffee bags. At the same time, we can use the same materials to make bags and accessories on them, so as to simplify the recycling process.
Welcome to discuss with us. We are happy to provide you with the minimum order quantity. Come to get your customized plan right away. If you want to know more about the types of zippers, please contact us immediately.